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Sunday, March 28, 2004

MIAMI LAPTOP COMPUTER STOLEN FROM TOP MODEL - GROANER LISAMODEL Lisa Snowdon is terrified that private photos of her and film star George Clooney will end up on the internet after her laptop was stolen from her home.

The beautiful former Top Of The Pops presenter's fears were sparked after intruders burgled her East London house, taking the portable computer, jewellery and other personal possessions.

But the 29-year-old is most concerned that intimate images of her and former ER star Clooney will become public.

Police are investigating, but Lisa - who had a year-long romance with Clooney - is scared the burglars will try to sell the material on the laptop or make it available online.

One friend said: "Lisa is absolutely terrified that things will end up in the public domain. There are some really private items among them." The friend continued: "Lisa can't believe it. She has always liked to keep her relationship with George as low-key as possible.

"And now, despite her best efforts, who knows where this material may end up?"

Last night, a spokesman for Lisa confirmed her computer had been stolen - but insisted there are no pictures of her and Clooney on it.

He said: "Lisa's computer was taken in the burglary. She also had some jewellery stolen and she is genuinely upset. The matter is now in the hands of the police."

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