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Wednesday, March 17, 2004

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SyNET Announces Widespread Availability of Laptop Anti-Theft Software, "nTracker";
Self-Contained Software Tracks Stolen or Lost Laptops

Copyright 2004 Market Wire, Incorporated.
All rights reserved.
Market Wire
March 15, 2004 Monday

SyNET Electronics, an emerging leader in digital security and networking software solutions for consumers and home and small office environments, announced the immediate availability of its flagship product "nTracker," a laptop anti-theft software package. At an affordable $49.95, nTracker installs in any PC laptop easily and quickly, acts as a tracking mechanism for lost or stolen mobile PCs, and also provides encrypted security for all selected data and files.
Once installed, nTracker monitors use internally without any "Big Brother" outside oversight. After three unauthorized password attempts, nTracker immediately locks the laptop and displays a continuous warning message and sounds an alert alarm that the machine has been lost or stolen. When the machine is connected to the Internet through any connectivity method (dial-up, cable modem, DSL, T1, or wireless modem), nTracker sends an email containing the IP location of the machine for retrieval or law enforcement intervention.

At Last, a Simple and Inexpensive Anti-Theft Solution
"I am very excited about making SyNET nTracker available for users of mobile PCs -- particularly laptops -- to track, protect, and finally recover both their expensive devices and the even more valuable information stored on them," said Harry Rhim, CEO and President of SyNET Electronic Inc. "Retailers and distributors are also excited about offering this unique product that uses email as a cost-effective, digital mobile security system to retrieve lost or stolen equipment. SyNET nTracker inexpensively addresses the anti-theft and data security worries that concern most of laptop and mobile PC users. It's like having your very own personal security guard on duty 24/7 right inside your mobile machine."

Over a million laptops are reported lost or stolen each year, and according to the FBI fewer than 2% are ever recovered. nTracker could change those statistics dramatically. As soon as triple password failure occurs, nTracker encrypts all-important files and data, displays warning screens, and sounds an alarm. Any attempt to connect to the Internet results in immediate tracking because nTracker automatically sends an email to a pre-assigned address identifying the location of the missing machine.

Invisible, Undetectable, Compatible, and Simple to Use

Only the user knows that nTracker is protecting the laptop. The program is totally invisible and is undetectable by any other applications, even by anti-virus protection programs. Fully compatible with all Windows operating systems, nTracker survives upgrades without the need for reinstallation. Installation takes mere minutes, and is simple and fool-proof.

"Today nTracker is protecting laptops across North America," said Rhim. "We are very excited to announce that, by the end of the year, we will have the capability to protect a great many more mobile devices, including PDAs, hand scanners, and Blackberries. SyNET gives fair warning: thieves of mobile computing devices better find another line of work."

At $49.95, SyNET's nTracker is available now for shipping in any quantity directly from the company ( It is now selling at nationwide retail stores such as Micro Center, J&R Music World and through Navarre, a major distributor for all resellers across the US and Canada. By April 2, 2004 nTracker will be available at many of the major retailer stores across the US and Canada and wherever consumer software is sold.

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