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Sunday, May 22, 2005

AUSTRALIA COMPUTER THEFT FORCES GOVERNMENT AGENCY TO DEFEND SCHOOL SECURITY POLICY FOR COMPUTERSTheft figures force WA Govt to defend school security. 21/05/2005. ABC News OnlineTheft figures force WA Govt to defend school security

The Western Australian Education Department has defended the security in place at schools, following the release of figures showing that than $1 million worth of computers have been stolen.

Figures show that since 2002, 688 notebook computers in the Notebooks for Teachers program have gone missing or been stolen.

That has cost more than $1.5 million.

But the Education Department says the number has actually gone down in the past few years.

The head of security, John Marrapodi, says the vast majority were taken during break-ins at schools, with a small number stolen from teacher's homes or cars, or misplaced.

He says the department has put strategies in place to reduce the theft of computers.
"Fences, security screens, electronic security, mobile patrols are all working together to sort of reduce that level of risk," he said.

"Our staff are working together with us in ensuring that those laptops are locked away at night so that if they do break in, they're going away with nothing."

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