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Monday, May 16, 2005

SOUTH AFRICA 120 COMPUTERS STOLEN FROM GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTRobbers clean out agric deptRobbers clean out agric dept
16/05/2005 13:49 - (SA)

Johannesburg - A gang of about eight armed robbers raided the Gauteng agriculture department, resulting in loss of equipment and delayed service delivery, officials said on Monday.

Department spokesperson Sizwe Matshikiza said the men forced their way into the offices of the Diamond Corner Building on the corner of Eloff and Market streets, central Johannesburg on Saturday.

"At gunpoint, the security personnel on duty were shoved to the floor and another bundled into the toilet. Both were tied up," said Matshikiza.

The robbers raided 15 of the 17 floors, making off with computers, fridges and microwave ovens. Preliminary investigations have shown that about 120 computers were stolen.

"Critical information and documents were not damaged or lost," said Matshikiza.

Gauteng agriculture MEC Khabisi Mosunkutu was most concerned that the limited resources at the disposal of government ear-marked for service delivery to needy communities would now have to be diverted towards replacing the lost equipment.

"... time that should have been spent delivering services to our communities is wasted - all thanks to these bandits," said Matshikiza.

Staff were expected to resume work as normal by Tuesday.

Police would continue investigations.

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