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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

PENNSYLVANIA COMPUTERS STOLEN FROM $25K in Computers Swiped from School$25K in Computers Swiped from School
Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania - June 1, 2005 — It wasn't a happy Memorial Day weekend for some Delaware County students and teachers. They returned to class after the holiday to find their school had been broken into, and most of the computers stolen!

Susan Ball/Teacher: "It's like someone breaking into your home, pretty much because that's what this is. Academy Park is just like a big family. Someone has broken into our home and violated us, basically."
Susan Ball is one of many teachers furious about the burglary. Police say people familiar with the inside of Academy Park High School walked out with close to $25,000 worth of computer equipment.
"It's a betrayal. It's a betrayal, and they're hurt - especially the kids who had work on their computers."
Many of the 1200 students at the school had end of the year projects saved on the stolen laptops. Richard Carter, a ninth grader, is now cramming to make his dead line.
"I'm gonna have to write it now. I think I'm gonna have to do this whole project over because I can't have one part typed and the other part written."
The stolen computers are small Apple iMac laptops taken from a locked room in the library. The burglars broke in using fire extinguishers to break the door handles off. They also took a Dell 15-inch flat panel monitor. All of the computers were bought just last year. The goal was to have one computer for every four students.
Rita Cathcait/PARENT: "I'm hoping everything will be replaced. But, it's the end of the year, and it will be taking something away from them, at the end of the year."
Sharon Hill police think the thieves got in sometime between 11 in the morning on Saturday and Tuesday morning.
It's not what anyone at the school thought they'd be dealing with after the holiday weekend.

"This is one area where we were beginning to excel beginning to stand out, because we have so much technology in our district."

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