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Monday, June 13, 2005

SOUTH AFRICA COMPUTERS STOLEN FROM NEWSPAPER OFFICEIOL: Crime & Courts: "Computer theft at newspaper an 'inside job'

June 13 2005 at 11:50AM

By Shaun Smillie

The Mail & Guardian newspaper has lost new computer equipment valued at about R1-million in a bizarre robbery.
Police and employees of the newspaper believe it could be an inside job.

According to police Constable Sefako Xaba, the robbery occurred between 1am and 2am on Sunday at the Mail & Guardian's (M&G) premises in Milpark, Johannesburg.

The security guards told us that about 10 men armed with either AK-47s or R-5s (assault rifles) tied them up. It was a quick job. The suspects appeared to know where everything was and where to find it, Xaba said.

The robbers stole brand-new Apple Mac computers, PCs, photocopiers and fax machines, M&G chief operating officer Hoosain Karjieker said. "

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