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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

UK COMPUTERS STOLEN FROM SCHOOLCHOOLBurnley Today: News, Sport, Jobs, Property, Cars, Entertainments & More: "Laptops are stolen during high school break in
TWO laptop computers were stolen from a secure lock-up in Towneley High School after raiders smashed their way through a window.

The school's alarms alerted the police just after midnight on Tuesday of last week and officers discovered the invaders had dropped a further eight laptops in the grounds during their escape.
A spokesman for the school blasted those responsible.
He said: 'They smashed a window on the ground floor and it looks as though they went straight to the store room and kicked the door in.
'A set of 10 laptops were being kept in a metal security case, which is designed to recharge the batteries, and they took them out of that and tried to get away. Eight were recovered in the school grounds, but we are checking if they are still usable.'
The school is equipped with CCTV and footage is being investigated so see if the burglars have been caught on video. The schoolchildren, who use the laptops on a regular basis, are now having to share between groups and the spokesman added that steps are being taken to prevent similar attacks.
He said: 'We have got a very good alarm system installed and we are always looking at ways of making the school secure. We will learn any necessary lessons.'
24 June 2005"

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