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Monday, February 13, 2006

CALIFORNIA COMPUTERS STOLEN FROM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Chamber of Commerce attacked twice this year

Chamber of Commerce attacked twice this year
Communication system targeted, says president

Marcel Honoré
The Desert Sun
February 13, 2006

For the second time in just over a month, burglars broke into the Coachella Chamber of Commerce, stealing a computer and sabotaging communications equipment.

On Sunday morning, thieves shattered the Sixth Street office's glass entrance and windows. Chamber president Mark Weber said a modem and a computer with members' contact information was taken.

"They sent a visible message," Weber said. He added he thought the culprit probably wanted information and "obviously wanted to cause some damage."

In January, culprits entered through the ceiling and lifted a printer, a fax and a computer without any confidential data.

"I have a feeling they came back to finish the job," chamber executive director Jacqueline Lopez said.
This time, burglars left the chamber's new fax machine - but they severed its cord, rendering it inoperable.

"It looked like they were trying to limit our communication ability," Weber said.

He added that the stolen computer with the contact information was worth no more than $750.

Lopez said the burglars declined to take her purse on the desk next to the stolen computer.

Weber said the chamber's alarm sounded twice Sunday morning - first at 3:40 a.m and then 7:20 a.m.

Sheriff's deputy Juan Zamora said an officer investigated the first alarm and found no evidence of foul play.

Zamora said police still have no leads, and the case would be assigned to a special enforcement unit.

Board member Rudy Hernandez said the chamber would be open today, and it still plans to hold its "State of the City Address" with mistress of ceremonies Rep. Mary Bono, R-Palm Springs, later this month.

Said Lopez, "This is a minor setback. We're going to keep moving forward and continue our mission."

If you have information about the incident, call Crime Stoppers at 341-7867, or the Coachella Chamber of Commerce at 465-5388

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