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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

INDIANA COMPUTERS STOLEN FROM LBRARY AT SCHOOL The Exponent - Campus: "Employees report missing laptop computers
By Staff Reports

Eight Dell laptop computers valued at more than $16,000 were reported stolen from Hicks Undergraduate Library Monday.

Officer Dave Sanders of the Purdue Police took the call from library staff at about 5 p.m. and reported to the Digital Learning Collaboratory.

'Eight laptops had been stolen from a large roll-top cabinet; someone took some type of tool and pried open the cabinet,' he said.

Along with the computers, eight mouses and eight power supplies were also stolen. Sanders said the library staff reported that Feb. 14 was the last time the computers were used.

'They said they hadn't noticed since then because the cabinet was still closed but someone saw it was unlocked and when they opened it the computers were gone,' he said.

The case is under investigation; theft is a Class D felony and is punishable by up to three years in prison and a maximum fine of $10,000. "

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