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Thursday, February 23, 2006

Students need to understand personal belongings will be stolen if unattended; trust no longer option on campus

At least we know where our socks are going when we find one missing from the dryer.

Laundry, among other items including cell phones and laptop computers, is among the $20,000 worth of personal property that has been stolen on campus since the spring semester began.

MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said most of these thefts have occurred because people aren't watching their stuff, making it easy for others to steal."

Well, that makes sense.

Most of the items have been taken from the IM Sports facilities, libraries and residence halls — places where people often leave their belongings unattended and unsecured. People expect their stuff to be safe in their room, at the library or in the washing machine, especially in tight-knit residence hall communities.

But the sad reality is that theft happens and students can seem like an easy target leaving cell phones, iPods and computers unattended in public places.

Come on. People need to have enough common sense to make sure their property is secure.

That means always locking dorm-room doors, even if just going to the cafeteria or the laundry room. Don't leave things laying around when not near them, especially in public places like the library or IM Sports facilities.

But people shouldn't feel they have a right to take someone else's belongings.

If it's not yours, don't take it.

We are college students — notorious for being financially poor. True, we might have iPods, laptops and really fancy socks, but those purchases are most likely the results of family members' generosity or two months' worth of skipped rent.

We don't need to be preying off of each other, but abolishing social injustice is beyond the capabilities of this editorial.

For now, students should take their phones, computers and other electronics with them when they need to leave, including when going to the bathroom or far away from the table. It might be annoying to do so, but it's less trouble than buying sometimes-expensive replacements.

Students can also ask a friend to watch their stuff.

Take advantage of lockers and locks when securing property at the IM Sports facilities. Locks aren't that expensive and it might be a good idea to pick one up.

It doesn't make any sense to use a locker and not a lock to go with it, does it?

And it might be annoying to have to sit by laundry while it's going through the spin cycle, but by leaving it unattended, students run the risk of having their favorite pair of pants stolen.

It would be nice to live in a world where people respect each other and don't steal.

But we don't live in that world and everyone needs to take responsibility for their belongings.

Lock it up or take it with you.

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