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Thursday, February 02, 2006

PENNSYLVANIA COMPUTER STOLEN FROM SCHOOL The Phoenix Online - Thefts handled well
February 2, 2006

Thefts handled well

To the Editor:

After the stories detailing the thefts that occurred in Wharton over winter break were printed last week, I feel, as a victim of the thefts, that I have a responsibility to make sure that the student body is aware of the quick and responsible manner in which the school addressed the issue.

Upon returning to campus after break and finding my computer missing, I reported my theft to Public Safety; that night and the next day I sent e-mails to my RA, Myrt Westphal, Liz Derickson, Al Bloom and Bob Gross informing them of what occurred and asking about what they knew about strangers in the dorms. Over the next 10 days, I routinely sent e-mails to Dean Westphal and Ms. Derickson, as did my parents and Jim Hunt of the Parents Council. In response, Ms. Derickson and Mary Hasbrouck (in Benjamin West House) kept me informed that they were continuing to work on the problem.Ê They consulted me for information as to the details of the computer stolen and, in short, compensated me in a reasonable and acceptable way. Although the loss of the work and, much more significantly, the digital photographs is unfortunate, the school did as much as they could and more than I expected.

In a day and age where callousness and the bottom line prevail at large institutions, the government, and businesses alike, it is refreshing to see an organization that could have played faceless and shirked responsibility behave respectably and compassionately.

Thank you to all the representatives of Swarthmore College involved.

Jones Nauseef ’06

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