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Monday, February 20, 2006

UK COMPUTER THIEVES CAUGHT Norfolk news from EDP24, your local newspaper

People buying stolen diesel from black-market gangs across East Anglia are fuelling a crime wave, police have warned.

Diesel was taken from 30 locations across the county last month - with much of it being sold on at a knock down price, as low as 66p per litre.

Police said thousands of litres were being stolen each week from industrial estates, and was often bought by the victims' near neighbours.

Det Sgt Martin James, who headed an operation to arrested four people in connection with a spate of diesel thefts, said: “People don't realise that the fuel they are buying is stolen off their neighbours. We hope that if they realise this their consciences will stop them.”

He said the trading estates around Fakenham were the recent target of the people detained. They where arrested for allegedly siphoning the fuel from trucks and tanks at night.

But he admitted it was difficult to work out exactly how much was being stolen because truck drivers often did not notice how much was missing from their large tanks.

Det Sgt James said the stolen diesel was being sold for 66p per litre, when the current forecourt price is more than 90p.

The four people who were arrested were tracked to their home address by police answering adverts for cheap computer equipment on internet sites like eBay and in small ads magazines.

The two men and two women are suspected of stealing the computers from the same trading estates that they may have stolen diesel from last month in Fakenham, Little Snoring, Foulsham and Wells in North Norfolk.

They were arrested for theft and handling stolen goods. Much of the recovered equipment, worth hundreds of pounds, remains unclaimed in police storage - including seven computers, two flat screens, two scanners and two printers.

The police are urging companies to claim their property.

A spokesman for Norfolk Police advised people to take precautions by fitting anti-siphoning devices into the tanks or locks of their fuel tank.

Call 0845 4564567 if you have any information on the thefts.

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