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Thursday, February 09, 2006

UK COMPUTERS HAUL LINKED TO SCHOOLS icCoventry - Computers haul linked to schools

Feb 9 2006
By Ben Griffin, Crime Reporter

COMPUTERS worth tens of thousands of pounds believed to have been stolen from Coventry schools have been recovered by police.

Officers raided a house in the Coundon area of the city and found PC tower units, laptop computers, multi-media over-head projectors and flat-screen televisions.

They believe the haul could be worth up to £40,000.

Sgt Rich Martin, of Little Park Street police station, said: "It's a crying shame to know that the only victims in this are the children."

He said the raid, by the Coundon sector crime fighting team, came in response to intelligence gathered by police.

And he urged anyone who knew about theft, burglary or people who handle stolen goods to ring police on 0845 113 5000.

Last summer, the Evening Telegraph revealed the staggering cost of burglaries at schools in the city.

In the year to July, thefts were thought to have cost up to £500,000.

A number of schools were burgled several times, and in 2004 Caludon Castle School was hit six times in two months.

All schools now mark valuable property with Smartwater, a colourless, odourless liquid that stains anyone who touches it.

The fluid puts burglars off as it has a unique code which, like DNA, links a criminal to a crime scene. It shows up on skin under ultra-violet light.

Last year, police said burglaries at schools had dropped thanks to the Smartwater project.

Police have previously said they believe projectors are used with high-tech computer games consoles in people's homes. n A 32-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of handling stolen goods and is on police bail pending further inquiries.

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