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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

UK SECURITY SYSTEMS FOR HAND HELD COMPUTERS Security systems for handheld computers: "Whilst many educators are in favour of the concept of providing 1:1 ICT access on a 24/7 basis there have been some concerns put forward about the possible security issues around every child or student having one. There's already been a lot of discussion in the media about mobile phone theft so could we be facing a future potential problem if every student has a bling bling handheld computer?

Ideally there would be away of making a stolen or lost device completely useless once out of the hands of its rightful owner thus making theft pointless. However any software solution on current devices would be overcome by a simple hard reset, so manufacturers interested in providing devices for the education sector might want to agree on a security standard and then build this into the firmware.

There's an interesting article on that discusses some of the issues and possible solutions:"

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