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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

US BLUE NOMAD SECURITY SUITE PLUS PRODUCT REVIEW >> Products & Reviews >> Software >> Blue Nomad Security Suite Plus


There are two kinds of people who use computers, smartphones and handhelds: those who have lost data due to no fault of their own (hardware failures, loss, theft, software conflicts, breakage, and crapware, whatever) and those who will.

If you’re old enough to remember the 50s, when Dad left the family car parked in the driveway with the keys in the ignition and the windows down, you know how life has changed.

Personal security, not just for yourself and your family, but your possessions and your data is mission-critical these days, and the more we rely on computers, the more we need safety nets for those gut-wrenching times when they break or fail. It’s about peace of mind.

I backup my laptop’s email every day, and then store it in three separate places. It takes me about ten minutes for this ritual but so what. Would I rather lose years worth of emails? I don’t think so. Windows XP added “restore points” so if your computer went berserk, at least you could roll it back to a previous state of sanity. There's an outfit called Geek Squad buzzing around in new VW Beetles, who will even come to your home and fix your whacked out computer (for a pretty hefty price).

CONTINUED At Weblink........

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