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Friday, February 03, 2006

US PARIS HILTON'S COMPUTERS STOLEN Paris Hilton's Private Possessions Stolen - Starpulse News Blog: "Paris Hilton's Private Possessions Stolen

Paris Hilton's secret diaries have been stolen. The sexy socialite was devastated after learning the journals - and other personal items, including photos and tapes - had been mysteriously sold off after she put them into storage. Hilton was horrified when a tabloid reporter told her he had been contacted by someone wanting to sell off the private possessions.

Her representative, Elliot Mintz, is quoted by the New York Post as saying 'basic household items, two or three computers, tons and tons of clothing, and hundreds and hundreds of photos and videotapes and journals' were stolen. He added: 'When I first told her, the thing that upset her the most were her journals and her diaries - that is the most personal of the materials.'

Mintz said there isn't a criminal investigation at this time. He added: 'We haven't gone to the authorities and are basically hoping to work this out privately. My interest is to see to it Paris gets her things back. I don't know if any money will be involved.' "

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