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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

UK COMPUTERS CONTAINING IMPORTANT CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION STOLEN FROM MEMBER OF PARLIMENT Rochdale Observer - Burglars snatch MP?s vital files: "Published: 28th February 2006
Burglars snatch MP?s vital files"

THOUSANDS of confidential files have been taken by burglars who smashed their way into the office of Rochdale’s MP.

Paul Rowen has made an urgent appeal for the return of the documents, which were installed on the hard drives of two computers stolen from the Liberal Democrats’ offices on Drake Street overnight on Sunday.

"While I would like to assure the public that we do have a back-up system, some highly-confidential documents have been taken," he said.

"If you consider we are dealing with 600 active cases at the moment, then we are talking about thousands of files.

"These are not parliamentary documents, but sensitive case studies where members of the public have come to me in confidence on issues ranging from planning matters to immigration.

"We hope these will not fall into the wrong hands."

A digitial camera was also taken during the break-in, the cost of which is still being counted, but expected to run into thousands of pounds.

In the meantime, Mr Rowen is also urging any passers-by who saw any suspicious activity between Sunday night and about 8am on Monday to come forward.

"As well as stealing two very expensive computers, the burglars caused thousands of pounds worth of damage when they smashed the doors and windows of the office," he added.

"We think that they used a ladder to break into one of the windows. They had the nerve to break in at the front of the building so we think that there would have been some witnesses.

"It is hard to imagine that anyone carrying large pieces of computer equipment in the street would have gone unnoticed."
Anyone with information is asked to call the police on 0161 872 5050.

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