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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

US WALL STREET JOURNAL AND MOBILE SECURITY More Firms Ride Wave of Mobile Security - Preview:

More Firms Ride Wave of Mobile Security
By Jim Carlton

Word Count: 917 | Companies Featured in This Article: Electronic Data Systems, International Business Machines, Protect Data, Gymboree

The proliferation of stolen and lost laptop computers has challenged corporate information-technology managers to find new ways to protect often-sensitive data on the mobile devices.

Accounting giant Ernst & Young LLP, banker Northern Trust Corp. and health provider Kaiser Permanente are among an increasing number of companies beefing up security around their mobile computers, cellphones and personal digital assistants. Many IT managers are turning to encryption technologies that convert data into a code requiring a key held by the authorized user to translate.

Others are focusing on altering employee behavior to reduce the chances of losing a laptop or hand-held ..."

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