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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

AMERICAN SAMOA COMPUTER TRHIEVES APPEAR IN COURT Four people in court in American Samoa over computer theft:

Four people in court in American Samoa over computer theft

Posted at 21:51 on 05 March, 2007 UTC

Four people charged in connection with the disappearance of a number of computers belonging to American Samoa’s Department of Education have appeared in the District Court.

The government alleges that Duane Vaa, the inventory clerk at the DOE warehouse, stole computers from the DOE warehouse and sold five of them to Chinese businessman, Ji Zhi Ming, for $100 each.

It’s alleged that Mr. Ming then on-sold the computers to two other Chinese defendants for $150 each.

Vaa is charged with embezzlement, attempted embezzlement and acceding to corruption.

Ming is charged with bribing a public servant and receiving stolen property.

The other two defendants, Bin Ma and Yuan Li Chi, are charged with receiving stolen property.

A fifth person is still being sought in connection with the case."

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