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Thursday, March 01, 2007

TENNESSEE COMPUTERS STOLEN FROM SCHOOL NewsChannel Nashville, Tennessee - Vandals Hit Donelson-Area Schools:

Vandals hit several Metro schools causing plenty of damage and stealing thousands of dollars worth of equipment.

Stanford Elementary Montessori Design Center in Donelson was hit over the weekend.

Stanford Montessori Principal Melva Stricklin said she felt disappointed, heartbroken and angry Monday morning when she discovered the vandalism.

'I can't explain how it makes you feel violated,' Stricklin said. 'All of the windows had the locks popped on them.'

Over the weekend thieves broke into the school and stole 11 computers.

'They were more valuable to us than whoever took them, I'll tell you,' Stricklin said.

Stanford wasn't the only Donelson-area school that has been hit. Since December, vandals have broken into Pennington Elementary four times and McGavock Elementary three times.

Metro Schools Director of Safety and Security Steve Keel said in most of the cases the crooks broke into portable units taking electronic equipment and leaving behind plenty of damage.

'Police reports have been filed in the matters and they're investigating also,' Keel said.

Keel said it appeared as though the same culprits may be committing the crimes.
The district planned to beef up patrols and install new security systems at the schools.

Stricklin wished the vandals would realize who

they're really harming -- the children.

"I just hope that somebody out there somewhere will just stop and think about what this does," Stricklin said.

She also said he wasn't sure if the school would be able to replace the stolen computers, which means the kids could miss out.

She hoped the extra security measures would help.

District administrators are working closely with Metro investigators on the case.

Anyone with information on the break-in's is urged to call police.

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