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Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Several UA buildings burgled

The Agriculture and Experiment Research Station was vandalized Feb. 21, according to a police report from the UA Police Department.

The perpetrator broke into several buildings, vandalized rooms and vehicles, stole a credit card, which was used to buy gas, and attempted to steal a vehicle, according to the police report.

The vandal caused more than $3,000 worth of damage, said Gary Crain, communications officer of the UAPD. No one has been arrested at this point, and the case is still under investigation, Crain said.

The vandal broke into four buildings. In the slaughterhouse, the women's exterior bathroom window was shattered, a refrigerator was knocked over and the front door was torn off, Crain said. A window was also broken in the tool shed. In the feed mill, a window was broken, a computer was knocked over, a printer was damaged and a Fuel Man gas card was stolen, he said.

The perpetrator shattered the driver's side window of a truck and cracked the windshield, and a security light in the calf barn was broken, Crain said.

The police determined that the vandal attempted to steal an 18-ton feed truck because the vehicle had been moved 75 feet out of its barn, Crain said.

'If anybody has any information about this crime, we would appreciate them calling,' Crain said. 'Sometimes people decide to go out and tear stuff up.'

Another case of burglary occurred between Feb. 16 and Feb. 19 at the Agriculture Building, according to a police report.
A computer, a printer and cables were stolen from two rooms. The items were worth $1,620, Crain said.

Another burglary occurred at the Kappa Sigma Fraternity house Feb. 24, according to a police report.
Two students reported that their laptop computers and several video games had been stolen, according to the police"

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