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Monday, November 26, 2007



It was interesting to hear Minister Harris talk to the press about the theft of computers from government. One got the feeling that measures would have been put in place to assure the public that national assets would be made secure. However, in a short time there has been yet another theft of computer equipment. The matter is taking epidemic proportions and the government is demonstratively impotent in eliminating the problem.

The present issue fits very well into the pattern which has emerged under Labour. Crime of all genres has gone out of control. The government of Labour cannot protect the people from crime and even the chambers of government are vulnerable. The criminals are not inhibited; do not respect the guardians of government property. The main principles of government are compromised and therefore cannot correct or punish anyone.

Since Minister Harris seemed very perturbed and distressed by the theft, an explanation is provided in an effort to clarify the whole issue. It is an explanation that should easily satisfy the Minister as he has a history of being familiar with paranormal phenomena. Essentially, one ridiculous explanation deserves another.

The computers have a feature like cell phones i.e. can be put on vibration mode. When an email is coming in the entire computer vibrates to alert the office. If no one checks the computer, the vibration continues and in fact increases. Some computers have been known to vibrate from one desk top to another and in fact move so much that the connections become dislodged.

The computers were lost in the nocturnal hours. In this case the vibration got so extreme that the computer jumped from one desk to another. There being no one around, the vibration became more and more intense. The computer actually skipped three desks and fell through a window that was inadvertently left open. It fell into the street and a passerby, who was almost struck on the head, took it home. Therefore, in order to prevent a reoccurrence the vibration mode must be closed off at the end of the working day.

This is nothing new and maybe we can call it the Harris Phenomenon. Note that the event stated above occurred when Minister Harris was fast asleep. He had no hand in the occurrence. It is only in reading this article that the Minister will fully understand what took place.

The first case of this phenomenon took place at NHC when he was Minister of Agriculture and Housing. In that case an automated and mechanized office stamp was not switched off and apparently went berserk overnight. It jumped from document to document in a stamping and approval rampage. By morning the errant and berserk activity of the stamp had cost the people a whopping nine (9) million dollars. Up to this day there has been no investigation, not even to find out who inadvertently left the stamp in vibration mode. Not even David Copperfield could make nine million dollars disappear in that manner. When Minister Harris told the nation about the stamping incident many persons wondered if he believed in obeah or jumbee.

This government is so strange that one has to go into the paranormal to seek explanations. Today, Minister Harris is facing reality. As the calypsonian would say “Everbody Tiefing.”

And to jumbee and obeah, there are other classical examples. The electricity generation project lost over a quarter million pounds or approximately one million EC dollars. The government has not been accountable up to this day. A feeding frenzy of sorts is taking place in government. Everybody hauling and pulling what they can get. It is “you don’t tell on me, I don’t tell on you.”

Imagine government offices are without electronic surveillance cameras. On hearing about the theft, an old woman asked if one of the brightest men on Massa God earth ain’t know about the ring or the scissors and the bible. However, she went on to beg that he does not set any jumbee fire in anybody house. This woman heard about the jumping stamp at NHC so she believes that “Fu-few” going on in government offices. She even say that if Bradshaw was here he would have found out all who “tiefing.” One trip to Haiti.

Based on what the Minister implied took place at the NHC and the fact that the police cannot secure government property, Minister Harris needs to get Dr. Douglas to do two things. He has to bring in a priest to exorcise the jumbee and employ another obeah man in government. Whether two obeah men can be in one government is a big question. Two man crabs cannot live in the same hole. The government is already practicing obeah or voodoo economics. Will they employ an obeah man to control crime and catch criminals? The reality is that the government consists of strumblededums and is an inept bunch.

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