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Monday, November 12, 2007

AUSTRALIA COMPUTER STOLEN Precious photos on stolen laptop - Local - General - Blacktown Sun

13 November 2007 - 6:43PM

Precious photos on stolen laptop
By Roderick Shaw

Irreplaceable images of Elizabeth Smith's children were stolen, along with her laptop last week.

The Blacktown mother of six was distressed as these were photos of her three youngest.

"I was crying, I was so upset because I can't get them back," Ms Smith said.

"I should have saved and copied them, but now it's too late.

"Now I've only got memories of the pictures."

The robbery occurred on Sunday, November 4, some time before 5pm.

Ms Smith said she only wanted her laptop returned and if it was, she would not ask any questions or worry about it further.

She said her only other worry was the laptop's ability to access the internet.

Ms Smith is studying nursing at TAFE and said her stolen computer had saved her much time.

"Today I had to go to the library to look at the internet," she said. "That takes an hour to do."

But her main concern is for the photos of her children.

"As long as I have the laptop back, it's okay. I wouldn't have worried about it much, except for the photos."

Anyone with information about Elizabeth Smith's missing laptop can contact Roderick Shaw at the Blacktown Sun on 9852 2888.

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