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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

WISCONSIN COMPUTERS STOLEN FROM SCHOOL The Sheboygan Press - Computers stolen from Sheridan:

Posted November 27, 2007

Computers stolen from Sheridan

Two laptops were discovered missing at Sheridan Elementary School on Monday in a theft officials said may be related to a break-in at the school on Saturday.

School officials discovered Monday morning that the Apple iBook laptops — valued at $1,000 each — were missing from the library, said Sgt. Dave Anderson.

He said police responded to the school about 9 p.m. Saturday after a chunk of concrete was thrown through a window. Investigating officers recovered a footprint at the scene, but have not yet been able to locate anyone involved or confirm that is when the
laptops were taken, Anderson said.

Two juveniles were seen in the area around the time of the break-in, but it is not known if they were involved.

Anyone with information on the thefts is asked to contact Sheboygan police at (920) 459-3333."

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