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Tuesday, November 20, 2007


The marriage of the woman accused of defrauding a hotel and a car hire company using the Presidency’s letterheads is on the rocks.

The husband of Moleboheng Molotsane, 26, yesterday said he intended ending his marriage to the former employee in the Presidency.

Benjamin Molotsane, 29, spoke to journalists after his and his wife’s appearance at the Vereeniging regional court.

The couple made headlines last year after allegedly defrauding a Vaal hotel, a car hire and horse-and-carriage hire company when they used letterheads from President Thabo Mbeki’s office to arrange their extravagant wedding.

The couple allegedly duped the companies into believing that their bill, which amounted to about R90 000, would be settled by the highest office in the land.

Before their arrest, Moleboheng had been employed as a secretary in the Presidency where she allegedly stole a computer and letterheads which she used to defraud these companies.

The computer was later recovered by the police in Mpumalanga after she had sold it to an appliance store in Vereeniging.

Molotsane is out on R3500 bail while her husband is out on a warning. Inside the courtroom the two never said a word to each other. Before their appearance Moleboheng was alone while her husband was in the company of his family.

“ I intend divorcing her soon and I cannot comment further,” Molotsane said.

She, on the other hand, declined to comment and promised to speak in January when the matter would be finalised.

“My marriage does not belong to the public. I was caught in the middle of political issues. Just be patient, I will give you a full story,” she said.

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