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Friday, March 20, 2009


Juvenile arrested for string of local thefts in Lake Butler

Jamall Lamar Edwards, 15, has been named by the Union County Sheriff's Office as admitting to theft from two Lake Butler businesses last year as well as last December's break-in at the Union County High School agriculture department building and the theft of the department's truck.

So far, Edwards, of Lake Butler, has been charged with four felony counts to include burglary, grand theft auto, dealing in stolen property and intimidating a witness, as well as one misdemeanor count of resisting an officer.

On July 19, 2008, a jar containing approximately $250 in cash was stolen from the Union County Public Library. Deputy James Crews stated that Edwards admitted to gaining access to the library by breaking in a window and taking the cash meant for the library's building fund.

Crews said Edwards also admitted to the Sept. 11, theft of two T-shirts and $50 in change stolen from Kirby Laser and Needle after throwing a rock through the storefront window.
Crews said that Edwards admitted to these two thefts after he was arrested and later questioned for breaking into the high school agriculture department building, stealing two laptop computers and the department's pick-up truck on Dec. 26.

One of the stolen laptop computers was recovered in February this year after Crews said another person brought an ACER brand laptop computer to him, believing it may have been stolen. In his report, Crews stated that an ACER laptop and an older model Dell laptop were reported stolen from the agriculture building the same night the department's pickup truck was stolen. Crews examined the recovered laptop for fingerprints and matched the serial number of one of the stolen computers. Both computers were valued at $5,300.

The truck was recovered shortly after it was stolen, allegedly being driven by 18-year-old Dontrell Juwan Larry, also of Lake Butler, who admitted he obtained the stolen truck from Edwards. Larry was arrested for this crime in January.

Earlier this month, Crews said he was contacted by a juvenile who stated Edwards had been threatening him regarding information he knew about the stolen truck. According to Crews, the witness alleged that Edwards told him he was going to jump him with a couple of other boys and beat him if the witness said anything in court.

In his written report, Crews stated he was given consent to search Edwards' bedroom by a family member in order to reveal any evidence to his involvement in criminal cases.
During the search, marijuana was allegedly recovered as well as a pipe used for ingesting illegal narcotics. While interviewing Edwards about the items, Crews stated that Edwards admitted that he smokes marijuana and was the one who had stolen the pickup truck.

Investigation into other crimes possibly involving Edwards continues. He is currently being detained by the Department of Juvenile Justice.

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