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Monday, March 30, 2009


Security guard tied up, computers stolen at Radisson Hotel ...
Weekend Post - Port Elizabeth,South Africa

ARMED robbers this morning (March 30) tied up a security guard and
stole computers from Port Elizabeth’s Radisson Hotel construction site on Marine Drive in Summerstrand.

Police on the scene said the security guard was held at gunpoint by two men carrying firearms and threatened with his life before being tied up with cable ties and his own tie.

A police source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the two men went straight for the computers on one of the top floors in the building.

"At this stage we are still trying ascertain how many computers they took," said the police source.

"We suspect they used a vehicle to transport the goods but cannot confirm anything at this stage."

The security guard was then found by co-workers at about 6am this morning.

"We suspect an inside job as these two men knew exactly where to go."

Police are investigating a case of armed robbery.

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