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Thursday, September 03, 2009

FLORIDA NAVY COMPUTER MISSING Navy computer missing, along with info |

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Navy computer missing,

along with info

Updated: Wednesday, 02 Sep 2009, 6:10 PM CDT
Published : Wednesday, 02 Sep 2009, 6:10 PM CDT

* Christina Leavenworth
* Photojournalist: Eric Lowe

PENSACOLA, Fla. - A laptop that has Navy information on it, has gone missing. That computer has close to 40,000 Naval Hospital patient's information on it. Letters are being sent to the patients, warning them that their information may be compromised.

Thousands of medications are filled at the Naval Hospital every day, but now the information of the patients who receive them may no longer be safe. The Naval Hospital doesn't know if the laptop was stolen, or simply misplaced.

"This computer was kept in pharmacy department, which is secure. You can't get in without lock, only staff goes in and out," Commanding Officer Maryalice Morro said.

The laptop would upload information into pharmacy machines, working almost like an ATM machine. Patients would swipe their card, and their medications would be dispensed.

"All of the patient's personal health information is protected. What we have lost, well we don't know that we've lost it, we just can't find, a database with names, social security numbers, and dates of birth," C.O. Morro said.

The laptop had been out of commission for awhile, but officials say anything could have happened.

"We don't use it anymore. The housing of it was cracked, screen was cracked. I don't know if someone inadvertently sent it to be destroyed and didn't do a paperwork chain. We checked with the warehouse, checked with our information technology staff, certainty searched the pharmacy. It's missing."

Officials are also looking into whether it was stolen. They've removed the other laptop they had in the pharmacy, and taking measures to make sure no other information will be compromised.

"We're certainly reviewing all the processes we have in place to protect information. In health care, you can never be too careful. We're entrusted to an awful lot of information; identification information and health information," C.O. Morro said.

Right now, there's not any evidence any social security numbers have been used. They've sent letters to every single patient warning them of the loss of their records.

If you have any questions or you feel your information has been compromised call 1-866-678-4881, or visit and click "Possible Loss of Personal Identifiable Information."

If you have any questions about preventative measures, go to .

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