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Sunday, May 29, 2005

ALASKA COMPUTERS STOLEN FROM State & Regional: Alaska Digest 05/29/05: "Six boys arrested in theft of school's piggy bank
ANCHORAGE - The culprits in an Anchorage piggy bank heist have been caught, police said Friday.
Six boys were arrested Thursday in connection with the theft of about $200 dollars from the papier-mach? bank at an elementary school.
The boys, between 12 and 14 years old, were arrested on burglary and theft charges. The boys spent the stolen money on candy, police said.
The money taken during a burglary last weekend at Tyson Elementary School was intended for orphans at a sister school in Africa.
News of the theft prompted tips to police by other students and a stream of donations from residents and local businesses.
The boys who were arrested attend Tyson and other schools, police said. At the homes of two of the suspects, officers found four laptop computers stolen during burglaries at a middle school this month, police said.

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