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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

BULGARIA COMPUTER STOLEN FROM NEWSPAPER EDITORIAL OFFICE Focus English News: "Sofia. Unknown vandals broke into editorial office of Demokratsia Dnes (Democracy Today) newspaper in the center of Sofia.
Only my PC has been stolen, which is incredible!” told FOCUS News Agency Demokratsia Dnes editor-in-chief Georgi Daskalov.
“The only missing things are a cell phone charger and my computer. We have other very expensive equipment but nothing else has been stolen”, he added.
The burglary was committed during the night. The theft of the computer was found out at about 8-9 a.m. when the journalists started arriving in the office.
“The cleaning lady had come earlier but she didn’t understand the computer was missing so she cleaned around which will make it a little difficult for the police to find fingerprints”, Georgi Daskalov pointed out.
“There are some important files in the stolen PC connected to the new edition of the paper”. "

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