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Thursday, February 23, 2006

CALIFORNIA COMPUTERS STOLEN FROM BUSINESS Regional Roundup: "Suspects arrested in computer theft case "

Two Lodi men have been arrested on suspicion of breaking into a west Lodi business and stealing a computer, according to Lodi police.

Officers saw the men in a car at 2:15 a.m. Tuesday in front of a business in the 600 block of South Lower Sacramento Road. The car fit the description of a vehicle that was involved in a burglary a few hours earlier at Anderson Homes, 1420 S. Mills Ave., said Lodi Police Detective Mike Oden.

Robert McCormick, 26, and Kyle Godding, 20, were arrested on suspicion of burglary and possessing stolen property after officers found a computer, screen and keyboard in the trunk, Oden said.

Anderson Homes is one of eight or nine businesses in Lodi that have had computers stolen after burglars smashed in the front window, Oden said. Detectives in Lodi and Stockton are investigating whether McCormick and Godding can be linked to any of the other Lodi burglaries, or the 150 incidents in Stockton, Oden said.

McCormick and Godding were also arrested on suspicion of attempted burglary because police believe they were about to break into the Lower Sacramento Road business when officers arrived, Oden said.

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