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Saturday, February 25, 2006

UK COMPUTER THIEF SENTENCED TO JAIL TIME A "one-man crime wave" who burgled student accommodation to steal laptop computers has been jailed for two years.: "'ONE-MAN CRIME WAVE' SENT TO JAIL
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10:30 - 25 February 2006
A 'one-man crime wave' who burgled student accommodation to steal laptop computers has been jailed for two years.

Drug addict Lee John Dance carried out more than 30 break-ins, mainly in the Loughborough area, between August and October last year.

The 26-year-old also raided a primary school and offices where he worked.

Dance, of Tuckers Road, Loughborough, committed the offences to fund a £150-a-day heroin addiction.

At Leicester Crown Court yesterday, he admitted burgling Broomfield Primary, in East Goscote, with intent to steal a film projector, in September.

He was unsuccessful in taking any property, but caused £500 of damage to a classroom.

Dance also admitted breaking into offices at Watson's Petroleum Limited, in Sileby Road, Barrow-on-Soar, when two computers and a flat-screen monitor were stolen. The court heard he deliberately targeted the premises, having worked there as a cleaner, and he knew what equipment was on site.

Dance further pleaded guilty to burglary at a student house in Paget Street, Loughborough, when a £1,000 laptop computer and handbag were stolen.

Neenu Bains, prosecuting, said the defendant was arrested after his DNA was identified from blood left at the scene.

He told police he had sold the laptop for £100 and thrown the handbag away.

Dance also admitted a shoplifting offence and asked for 31 house burglaries to be taken into consideration, the majority of which were at student accommodation.The court heard he had 40 previous convictions for offences including theft, handling and shoplifting.

James House, defending, said Dance confessed to the 31 break-ins despite the police having no evidence against him. He said: "It is rare to find someone who has been so candid as this defendant, who has made full admissions. He hopes and believes it has wiped the slate clean. It has cleared up an extraordinary number of crimes."

Mr House said Dance wanted to put drugs and offending behind him, and was now motivated to change.

Passing sentence, Recorder Paul Mann, QC, said: "You became a one-man crime wave between August and October.

"You committed premeditated offences, targeting student accommodation for laptop computers. I give you credit for your honesty with the police and you went further than you needed to. I am sure, without your co-operation, there would be at least 31 matters outstanding and unsolved.

"I am satisfied you were relieved when it all came out into the open and you are motivated not to do it again. I could have made the sentence longer, but I don't want to brush away your resolve for change."

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