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Monday, February 20, 2006

UK NEW PROTECTION FOR PERSONAL COMPUTERS AND LAPTOPS FROM DATA THEFT Security Park - VolumeShield Announces AntiCopy Personal Edition to Protect Personal Computers and Laptops from Data Theft: "VolumeShield Announces AntiCopy Personal Edition to Protect Personal Computers and Laptops from Data Theft

VolumeShield has announced the release of AntiCopy Personal Edition - a free version of its AntiCopy port security product. AntiCopy protects personal workstation and laptop computers from data theft by blocking the unauthorized use of portable storage devices and removable media, such as USB memory sticks, iPods, PDAs, CD/DVD Burner, and digital cameras.

Unknown to most computer users, the proliferation of portable storage devices like USB drives, iPods and PDA's poses a major security threat for all computer users today. These devices enable anyone to remove sensitive information - such as patient data, sales databases, legal documents or financial records from any computer - quickly, easily, and without detection.

These devices also offer an easy way to inject unwanted applications or viruses onto a computer, again without detection. By simply plugging into the USB or FireWire ports on any personal computer, sensitive data can be 'slurped' or copied onto the device in just moments. To further complicate the issue, these devices offer no built in security; so, if the device is lost or stolen, the stolen data can be accessed by virtually anyone.

'The threat posed by USB devices is real and presents a major security challenge to both individuals and corporations alike,' said Mike Kelly, Partner at Ernst and Young LLP. 'Solutions like AntiCopy are essential to maintaining the security, privacy and integrity of personal and corporate data. They enable compliance with data privacy and audit standards like HIPAA and Sarbanes-Oxley by providing a complete audit audit trail of data movement. They also eliminate the possibility of data theft by securing the connections to USB ports."VolumeShield's AntiCopy Personal Edition provides a complete solution for managing or locking down the USB and FireWire ports on any computer - preventing the unauthorized use of portable storage devices and effectively eliminating data theft. "

Key Features of AntiCopy include:
· Complete lockdown of all ports and media writing devices
· Password protection of all ports and media writing devices
· Auditing of all attempts to plug in devices to USB or Firewire ports· Auditing of all data copied to externally attached storage devices
· Ability to 'whitelist' frequently used devices
· Quick, easy installation

"This free Personal Edition of AntiCopy provides the perfect solution for anyone needing to protect their own machines from data theft or malware injection, while the Enterprise Edition of AntiCopy enables easy deployment across hundreds or thousands of workstations across the enterprise," said Heather Sullivan, Product Manager, VolumeShield.

AntiCopy Personal edition is available now and is free for non-commercial use.

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