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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

WISCONSIN RECENT COMPUTER THEFTS FROM BUSINESSES MAY BE RELATED The Sheboygan Press - Computer thefts may be related: "Posted February 15, 2006

Computer thefts may be related

Sheboygan County Sheriff's Department investigators believe that recent thefts of laptop computers and other equipment from businesses here are related to other business break-ins in Saukville, Grafton, Port Washington, Manitowoc and Green Bay.

'It seems to be related to the I-system (Interstate 43),' Detective David Obremski said Tuesday.

Twenty-four or more laptop computers, a video projector, a digital camera and computer software were reported stolen Feb. 6 from Earth Tech at 4135 Technology Parkway, according to the sheriff's department. The same day, four laptop computers, each valued at $2,500, were reported stolen from Aero-Metric Inc. at 4020 Technology Parkway.

Seven other businesses, five in the City of Sheboygan and two in the Town of Sheboygan, reported similar thefts Jan. 23.

A laptop computer valued at $1,600 was reported stolen Monday from Lakeshore Fleet Maintenance at 4024 Highway 42 in the Town of Sheboygan, Obremski said. The sheriff's department is unsure if that theft is related to the others. "

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