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Monday, November 26, 2007

CONNECTICUT COMPUTER GEAR STOLEN The Connecticut Post Online - School computer gear stolen; 2 teens nabbed

School computer gear stolen; 2 teens nabbed

The two 16-year-olds cops found at Blackham School in Bridgeport after a motion alarm went off minutes after midnight Sunday were up on the roof — after allegedly breaking into the building and making off with electronic equipment valued at roughly $3,600.

One teen was found with three hard drives and another was found with three memory cards, after backup officers lured them down. Two school projectors were also found in a duffel bag.

Police said the boys later told them they stole the computer equipment to make repairs at home, and took the projectors for their own use.

The boys were each charged with larceny in the first degree, burglary in the second degree, conspiracy to commit burglary, criminal mischief and criminal trespass. One boy was also charged with possession of burglary tools, specifically a screwdriver used to gain access to a room where some equipment was kept.

Bond for the teens was set at $50,000 each, with a court date scheduled today.

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