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Thursday, November 15, 2007

PENNSYLVANIA COMPUTERS STOLEN FROM LEHIGH VALLEY COLLEGE Equipment, cash missing from Lehigh Valley College --

Equipment, cash missing from Lehigh Valley College

Lehigh Valley College still doesn't know how many computers were taken in yesterday's burglary at the Upper Saucon Township school.

According to a statement from the college's public relations firm in Parsippany, N.J., the break-in discovered yesterday morning occurred overnight and
"resulted in the theft of various electronic items, as well as cash."

Upper Saucon Police Detective Tom Nicoletti said cash was stolen from the bookstore and
various computers were taken from the Information Technology Department, where computers and related equipment are repaired. Although there appears to be a significant number of computers taken, Nicoletti said there also was a great deal of equipment left behind.

He said the college is reviewing its paperwork to determine exactly how many computers were stolen and if any of them contained sensitive student information. When students arrived for classes Tuesday, they were greeted by yellow caution tape at the outside entrance and in the lobby.

The burglary did not disrupt classes.

The college, formerly the Allentown Business School, is on E. Saucon Valley Road in Center Valley.

--Reporting by Tracy Jordan, The Morning Call

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