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Monday, September 14, 2009

UTAH (UPDATE) COMPUTERS STOLEN Kerry Kinsey: Watergate in Provo? - ABC - Salt Lake City, Utah News:

Kerry Kinsey: Watergate in Provo?
Written by: Kerry Kinsey
Last Update: 9/13 9:26 pm

I’m not one to go for conspiracy theories, but there’s something kind of interesting going on in Provo. I reported on it Saturday night.
Don Allphin is running for Mayor of Promo. Provo police say someone broke into his campaign headquarters sometime between Friday night at 9pm and Saturday morning.

Police say somebody stole about $10,000 worth of equipment from an office he shares with Remax Results Realtors on North Freedom Boulevard. We received an email calling it, Watergate in Provo.

For those who are too young to remember, in 1972 five burglars were arrested inside the Democratic National Headquarters, at the Watergate Complex in Washington, D.C. That started a series of events, which led to several resignations inside President Richard Nixon's White House, and the end of his administration.

The Provo Primary is Tuesday and Allphin finds it’s interesting that the burglars took computers that were specifically there for making campaign calls. Don Allphin said,” Everybody cries conspiracy; everybody cries all of these other kinds of things. All I say is that it's very coincidental that this happened right now at the end of the campaign.

Don's wife Jeri Allphin said,” Conspiracy, that's going a little far isn't it. I don't know you have to wonder.” However,
Allphin points out that the burglars took computers that were specifically there for making campaign calls just hours before the break-in.

You have to admit it, this is somewhat fascinating.

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