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Monday, September 14, 2009

UTAH COMPUTERS STOLEN - Mayoral candidate's office burglarized:

SEE VIDEO...........

Mayoral candidate's office burglarized
September 13th, 2009 @ 4:28pm

A Provo mayoral candidate's headquarters has been burglarized just days before the primary elections.

Candidate Don Allphin said, 'The fact that we did not have campaign staff here when this happened is very, very important.'

Allphin says his campaign staff had just begun making phone calls and finished about 9:15 Friday night. The next morning they received a phone call that their office had been broken in to.

The burglars stole computers and video equipment from several companies that shared the office with the campaign.

Allphin was concerned the burglary could be linked to the upcoming primary election but says most of the campaign area was untouched.

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